Rare digestive system diseases and its cure
Rare digestive system diseases can often be dangerous to humans health, and functional digestive system diseases cannot be cured traditionally. No infections, structural disorders can be visible by usual examination, X-ray and laboratory test. If any organ in the digestive systems fails to maintain the coordination with other organs, then the actual problem occurs. Even if a brain controls the functions of nerves of the intestine, it acts abnormally and then creates a significant problem in the digestive system. Here are some of the rare diseases as mentioned by “The National Institute Of Health Office of Rare Diseases Research.” Achalasia It happens in the nerves of oesophagus and effects in the lower oesophagal valve. Symptoms of this disease often occur during a meal or after a meal. All suffering person can feel the sensation of passing food (solid or liquid) into the stomach. Often bland regurgitation, incomplete digestion and whitish saliva with chockin...