Deep vein thrombosis: Symptoms, Diet and Treatment

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is regarded as a serious condition when a blood clot is formed in a vein. A blood clot is a clump of blood which gets accumulated at a single place and turns into a solid state.

Deep vein blood clots are typically formed in the upper or the lower thighs of the leg. They may even get accumulated at other parts of the body as well.

Other associated conditions may include thromboembolism, postphlebitic syndrome, and post-thrombotic syndrome.

DVT Symptoms   

The symptoms of DVT occurs only to half of the people who have this condition.

Common symptoms of DVT include the following:

Over the affected area, skin turns pale or reddish or bluish in colour
Severe pain in the foot or ankle
The affected area feels warmer than the surrounding area
Cramping pain in the affected area, which usually begins in your calf
Swelling in the ankle, leg, or foot.

People suffering from a severe level of DVT, may not experience the abovementioned symptoms. They commonly experience the following symptoms.

Shoulder pain
Neck pain
Swelling in the arm and hand
The skin turns into blue-tinted colour
The pain moves from the arm to the forearm

At times people may not experience any of the symptoms at all then it becomes necessary to get emergency treatment. They may not find that they have a deep vein thrombosis until they get diagnosed with pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung).

The severity of such a condition arises when the pain moves from the arm or leg into the lungs resulting in the blockage of the artery in the lungs. It is considered as the life-threatening condition and immediate emergency attention is required for the ones suffering from it.

DVT and Diet plan

In order to avoid such a life-threatening condition, people should strictly follow a healthy lifestyle. It even demands to quit smoking and losing weight.

DVT and blood clot risk can be reduced with a healthy diet. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains deliver essential vitamins and minerals to the body. It is often recommended shifting to a vegan, vegetarian or Mediterranean diet to the people who are subjected to the higher chance of suffering from DVT.

But no clinical has approved it yet. Though eating the herbs may reduce the risk of DVT to some extent.

Some vitamins and minerals may obstruct with the DVT medication. For example, vitamin K can interfere with the warfarin’s ability to prevent blood from thinning and reduce clot formation. 
Diet plan as prescribed by the doctor has to be followed strictly to avoid any sort of inconvenience later on.

DVT Treatment

DVT medical condition should be treated at an early stage. On experiencing the symptoms, the person should consult the nearest doctor. DVT treatments keep a check on the growth of the clot. It also helps to prevent pulmonary embolism and lowers the risk of having a clot.

The following are the few of the treatment options which should be adopted only under doctor’s recommendation.

A cardiologist in Chennai prescribes medications that help in thinning the blood clot such as warfarin, enoxaparin, or fondaparinux. They lower the possibility of the new formation of a clot.

Compression stockings
People subjected to the higher risk of DVT could be prescribed by the doctor to wear a compression stocking to prevent swelling, which would also help to lower the chance of blood formation.

DVT  surgery
The clots which have been causing a lot of issues are often prescribed to be removed with the help surgery. Through surgery, the blood clot will be removed and they would repair the blood vessels and the tissues. It involves a lot of risks so, only under the severe cases surgery is undertaken.

Leading a healthy doesn’t make a person immune to the diseases, but it does help to work with things with ease. The formation of a blood clot and turning into a severe condition would take no time, so following the doctor’s prescribed diet plan is the best way of prevention.

Cardiologists in Chennai Click here.
Neurologists in Chennai Click here.

Address: No. 52, 1st Main Rd, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600020
Phone: 099625 99933
