Is heart surgery safe? What are the risks and chances of survival?

Due to increasing stress and work pressure, heart disease is becoming more and more common among individuals. 

Many youngsters even encounter a stroke or heart attack. Whether you are young or old availing, heart surgery has several benefits. A heart surgery not only lowers the risk of stroke but also cures heart rhythm problems. 

If you live in Chennai then you can visit a cardiologist in Chennai to how heart surgery can help you.

With the advancement in medical technology, heart surgery is becoming more intact. However, just like every surgery, heart surgery also involves certain risks. 

Therefore, it is essential to know the risks involved in heart surgery before opting for it.


Bypass surgery is a common type of surgery performed on adults. There are few risks involved after the operation but no risk of death. Besides, the risk may vary depending on the type of surgery. Some common risks regarding heart surgery:

Open-heart surgery

In case you are opting for open-heart surgery, then the patients who have diabetics or obesity can face infection in the chest wound. There are also chances of kidney or lung failure in the long run. Some of the patients go through mild chest pain or low fever after the surgery.

After going through open-heart surgery, one may feel difficulty in breathing or difficulty in recalling things due to anaesthesia. Further, there are chances of a blood clot, pneumonia, blood loss and fuzziness etc.

Coronary artery bypass surgery

This is a very common procedure for treating heart disease. However, the risk of dying from this surgery is very low. Unlike any surgery, some risks are involved. 

Some of the significant risks involved in Coronary artery bypass surgery include bleeding, stroke, infection, lung complications, kidney failure etc.

The risk also increases depending on the patients’ present condition. If a patient is older than 70 years old, then the chances of survival are low. 

Some significant factors that determine higher risk include the patient’s health during the surgery, an emergency surgery, Poor muscle function of heart, bad habits like smoking or drinking, diabetes, past medical history or any chronic disease etc.

Heart valve replacement

Heart valve replacement is generally safe. Just like any other surgery, complications can occur. Some common risks involved with this survey include bleeding, blood clotting, heart attack, lung problems, stroke, Infection in the replaced valve or the incision site, abnormal heart rhythms, pneumonia, valve failure, side effects of anaesthetics etc.

Insertion of a pacemaker

The risk of performing an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator is uncommon. But there could be risks like an infection where the pacemaker is implanted, an allergic reaction caused due to anaesthesia, swelling or bleeding at the incision site, collapsed the lung and never of blood vessel damage where the pacemaker is inserted etc.

Heart transplant

Potential death risk is involved in heart transplant surgery. One of the most common risks involved with heart transplant surgery is Infection. Apart from that, there are chances of bleeding after or during the surgery, and breathing problems can occur, kidney failure etc. 

Further, due to blood clotting patients can face some significant issues like lung problems, stroke and heart attack.

In recent times, heart disease continues to be one of the significant health problems. Heart surgery is effective and safe. It also helps people to regain quality of life that they developed before developing a heart condition. 

Choosing the right kind of heart surgery procedure as per your health condition helps to avoid any critical situations. Therefore, talk to your doctor and discuss regarding the risks, the chances of survival and recovery procedure, before going for it. 

For Cardiologists doctors and surgeons in Chennai Tamilnadu


Address: No. 52, 1st Main Rd, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600020
Phone: 099625 99933


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